Top performers are generally ambitious, driven individuals who want to keep pushing their limitations and ceilings.
Keeping your top performers engaged and motivated is crucial to over performance and driving a positive sales culture.
When we conducted our research, we found 5 key topics that sales leaders believed kept their top performers happy, engaged and motivated to stay at the top!
- Build a trusted relationship
- If they are your top performer, they probably don’t need much hand holding. Give them the freedom, ownership, and autonomy to shine. A trusted employer is far likelier to perform at a higher level.
- Personal and professional growth
- You want to keep challenges fresh and exciting. Fresh and exciting generally equals high engagement, and nothing beats the self-satisfaction of learning and executing something new. It’s a great way of extending the ceiling.
- Consistent, constructive feedback
- If you have a trusted relationship, your top performer will often crave the attention and learnings of consistent, constructive feedback. It makes them better sales professionals and shows you are still invested in them professionally and personally.
- Expose them to motivational, inspirational people
- Exposing your top performers to new inspirational people can be incredibly motivating. Your top performers will often learn new skills, have their mindset challenged and hear inspirational stories they’ll be able to refer to.
- Recognise and reward them
- We’ve talked a lot about pushing your employees intrinsically, and that is vital but the balance in creating the magic solution is recognising and rewarding them. Recognising their achievements with something tangible is vital to ensuring they feel valued, engaged and committed. This could include pay rises, bonuses, job/ status changes, job title changes, new progression pathways, public recognition or increasing their responsibilities.
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