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CRO - Media

CRO - Media

Key Information:

  • Sector – Media
  • Company Size – 25
  • Project Type – x1 Chief Revenue Officer    


Overview: (company / rec situation)

  • Having received series A funding our client was looking to re-structure the sales function to ensure all potential revenue channels were maximised and the correct processes were set up to ensure scalability.
  • The main revenue driver within the organisation was the subscription team, however performance was in-consistent, focus and activities were poorly organised, and they were mainly relying on inbound leads.
  • It was essential the candidate came from sector and had experience scaling a team as well as working towards funding objectives.



  • The CEO wanted to be directly involved and kept consistently up to date, so we ran weekly sessions to update, review performance and look at any areas we could improve the search.
  • To start we produced a competitor list of 50 companies within the space. The maximum company size was 150 to ensure suitability and relevance. Once we finalised the list we specifically headhunted and worked towards an initial target of 15 booked meetings.
  • We booked 14 meetings of which 6 matched the brief in terms of experience, performance, drive, strategic view and behaviours.
  • The interview process was 4 stage and was conducted over a 4-week period.
  • From the initial 6, 2 were taken to final stage in front of the CEO and investors. 1 was selected for the job.



  • The initial headhunting process took 2 months to fully form and qualify the longlist. This was followed by an interview process lasting 1 month.
  • The candidate is due to start after a negotiated notice period.


Stats / Results: 

  • Project length: 3 months
  • 14 candidates qualified by Opto Talent
    • 6 candidates interviewed at 1st stage
    • 2 candidates progressed to final stage
    • 1 offer and 1 acceptance